Surya means ‘sun’ and namaskara means ‘salutation’ or ‘bowing down’. It consist of 12 postures. The regular practice of surya namaskara helps improve blood circulation throughout the body and maintain health, and thereby helps one to remain disease-free. Postures practised during surya namaskara act as a good link between warm-ups and asanas. Surya namaskara should preferably be done at the time of sunrise. It can be done any time on an empty stomach. However, morning is considered to be the best time for it. Adolescents should start doing surya namaskara daily to have healthy body and mind.
Let us perform surya namaskar by following the steps given below:
1. Stand erect with legs together and hands by the sides of the body. Bring both the arms to the chest with palms together in the prayer posture. (Namaskarasana).

2. Inhaling, raise both the arms above the head. Stretching bend the trunk backwards. (Hastottanasana)
3. Exhaling, bend the trunk forward and place the hands on the floor besides the feet and forehead near the knees. (Padahastasana).
4. Inhaling, stretch the right leg backward and bend the left leg at the knee. Tilt the head backward and, look up while arching the spine. (Ashwasanchalanasana)
5. Stretch the left foot backward by the side of right foot, lower your head and move buttocks upwards. Keep arms and legs straight and heels on the floor. (Parvatasana)
6. Lower the knees, chest and chin to the floor. Keep the hips slightly up. The toes, knees, chest, hands and chin should be touching the floor.(Ashtanga namaskara).
7. Lower the hips. Raise the head and torso upto the navel region. Bend the head backwards. (Bhujangasana)

8. Lower the head and trunk to the floor, now raising the buttocks and straightening the arms, bring feet towards the head. Head should be between the arms. Come to the postion 5.(Parvatasana)

9. By bending the right leg, bring it to the front between the hands. Take the left leg behind with knee touching the floor. Keep palms on both the sides of the right foot and head tilted backward and back arched. Look up. (Ashwasanchalanasana)
10. Exhaling, bring the left leg forward and keep it by the side of right leg. Keep the hands on the floor on sides of the feet and head near the knees. (Padahastasana)
11. Inhaling, raise both the arms above the head and bend the trunk backwards.(Hastottanasana)
12. Come to the erect and straight position. Join both palms in prayer posture. (Namaskarasana)

Benefits of doing surya namaskar
- It helps to increase strength, endurance and flexibility.
- It regulates all the systems of the body.
- It improves concentration.
- It helps in removing excess fat.
- It helps in constipation and improves blood circulation in the body.
- It energises the body.
- It helps in increasing the height of the growing children and toning up the body.
- It revitalises the body and refreshes the mind.
- It stretches abdominal organs and improves digestion.