Are you looking for DAV Books Solutions then you are in right place , we have discussed solution of Class 6 English book which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further update !! All the Best !!
The Helpful Young Man Questions & Answers
A. Answer the following questions briefly.
1.Why did the young man go to remote sea?
Answer: The young man went to the remote sea facing all calamities to get the eyes of a particular fish as his father’s eyesight could only be treated with the eye of that particular fish.
2. Why did the elder brothers become jealous of their youngest brother?
Answer: The elder brothers became jealous of their youngest brother because they feared that he would be the heir to the father’s property as he helped his father to restore the vision.
3. How did the young man save the buck and jackal?
Answer: Young man sent the buck into a ditch and covered it with grass and leaves.He saved the buck and jackal’s life by not telling the hunters where both were hiding.
4. What proclamation the princess of the strange palace made?
Answer: The princess of the strange palace had proclaimed that she would marry the man who could evade his reflection in the magic mirror. But he would be beheaded if traced in the magic mirror.
5. How did the three animals- the fish, the buck and the jackal repay the kindness of the young man?
Answer: The three animals – the fish, the buck and the jackal repaid the kindness of the young man by helping him at the time of need.
The fish swallowed him and the young man entered his stomach so that he could hide from the princess’s mirror. The fish took him deep in the ocean.
The buck asked him to sit on his horn and it took the young man to the remote hill in order to hide from the princess’s mirror.
The jackal held a conference with other jackals. They wondered a lot and advised him to hide under the princess’s bed. They assured him that this way she will not be able to trace him.
6. How did the young man finally conquer the princess?
The young man finally conquered the princess by evading from his magical mirror. He hid under the bed and the princess could not trace him. She tried multiple times but it was all in vain. Finally, she accepted her defeat.
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