Are you looking for DAV Books Solutions then you are in right place , we have discussed solution of My English Reader Chapter 10 The Magic matchbox class solutions which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!

Look at the pictures and complete the words

II. After reading the story,complete the following sentences by ticking the right answer.
A) Neha forgets her way back home.
A) Neha forgets her way back home.
B)The witch scratches her foot because she has a itch on her foot.
C)One night, on a patch of dry glass Neha finds a golden macthbox.
D)Neha is very happy because it was only a dream.
III. Answer the following questions.
a)Who catches Neha?
Answer: A witch catches Neha.
b)What does the witch do all day long?
Answer: She scratches her itching foot all day long.
c)Why can Neha not go back home?
Answer: She cannot go home back because she forgot her way home.
d)What does Neha find near her hand?
Answer: Neha finds a golden magic matchbox near her hand.
e)Who helps Neha to go back home?
Answer: A fairy helps Neha to go back home.
IV. Choose the correct opposites of the following words from the Help Box.
a) Dry Wet
b) Close Open
c) Cry Laugh
d) Kind Cruel
e) Forget Remember
V. The bad witch has broken these words. You become the fairy and join them.
Str———- ike = Strike
Gol———-Den= Golden
Be———-hind= Behind
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