Objective Questions Short notes Objective questions (Answers are given below) The external characteristic of a shunt generatorcan be obtained directly from its ——characteristic.(a) internal (b) open-circuit(c) load-saturation (d ) performance Load saturation characteristic of a d.c. generatorgives relation between(a) V and Ia (b) E and Ia(c) E0 and If (d ) V and If The … Read more


Objective Questions Short notes Objective questions (Answers are given below) In d.c. generators, armature reaction is producedactually by(a) its field current(b) armature conductors(c) field pole winding(d) load current in armature In a d.c. generator, the effect of armature reactionon the main pole flux is to(a) reduce it (b) distort it(c) reverse it (d ) both … Read more


Objective Questions Short notes Objective questions (Answers are given below) The basic requirement of a d.c. armature windingis that it must be(a) a closed one(b) a lap winding(c) a wave winding(d) either (b) or (c) A wave winding must go at least …………around the armature before it closes backwhere it started.(a) once(b) twice(c) thrice(d) four … Read more