Objective Questions Short notes Objective questions (Answers are given below) The method of symmetrical components isvery useful for(a) solving unbalanced polyphase circuits(b) analysing the performance of 3-phaseelectrical machinery(c) calculating currents resulting fromunbalanced faults(d) all of the above An unbalanced system of 3-phase voltageshaving RYB sequence actually consists of(a) a positive-sequence component(b) a negative-sequence component(c) a … Read more


Objective Questions Short notes Objective questions (Answers are given below) Transient disturbance is produced in a circuitwhenever(a) it is suddenly connected or disconnectedfrom the supply(b) it is shorted(c) its applied voltage is changed suddenly(d) all of the above. There are no transients in pure resistivecircuits because they(a) offer high resistance(b) obey Ohm’s law(c) have no … Read more


Objective Questions Short notes Objective questions (Answers are given below) The minimum number of wattmeter (s) requiredto measure 3-phase, 3-wire balanced orunbalanced power is(a) 1(b) 2(c) 3(d) 4(GATE 2001) A wattmeter reads 400 W when its current coilis connected in the R phase and its pressurecoil is connected between this phase and theneutral of a … Read more


Objective Questions Short notes Objective questions (Answers are given below) The decibel is a measure of(a) power (b) voltage(c) current (d) power level When the output voltage level of a filterdecreases by – 3 dB, its absolute valuechanges by a factor of(a) 2 (b) 1/ 2(c) 2 (d) 1/2 The frequency corresponding to half-powerpoint on … Read more