Objective Questions Short notes Objective questions (Answers are given below) Maxwell-Wien bridge is used for measuring(a) capacitance (b) dielectric loss(c) inductance (d) phase angle Maxwell’s L/C bridge is so called because(a) it employs L and C in two arms(b) ratio L/C remains constant(c) for balance, it uses two oppositeimpedances in opposite arms(d) balance is obtained … Read more


Objective Questions Short notes Objective questions (Answers are given below) Fill in the blanks(a) unit of admittance is ………..(b) unit of capacitive susceptance is ………..(c) admittance equals the reciprocal of ………..(d) admittance is given by the ……….. sum ofconductance and susceptance. An R-L circuit has Z = (6 + j8) ohm. Itssusceptance is -Siemens.(a) 0.06 … Read more


Objective Questions Short notes Objective questions (Answers are given below) In a series R-L circuit, VL—VR by—degrees.(a) lags, 45 (b) lags, 90(c) leads, 90 (d) leads, 45 The voltage applied across an R-L circuit isequal to—of VR and VL.(a) arithmetic sum (b) algebraic sum(c) phasor sum (d) sum of the squares. The power in an … Read more


Objective Questions Short notes Objective questions (Answers are given below) The symbol j represents counterclockwiserotation of a vector through—degrees.(a) 180 (b) 90(c) 360 (d) 270 The operator j has a value of(a) + 1 (b) − 1(c) − 1 (d) + 1 The vector j5 E is the same as vector(a) jE (b) j2 E(c) … Read more