Unit-3 | Worksheet 1 Exponents And Radicals Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics

Are you looking for DAV Maths Solutions for class 8 then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of the Secondary Mathematics book which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for the further update !! All the Best !!

DAV SOLUTIONS CLASS 8 Secondary Mathematics | Unit 3 Worksheet 1

1.Express each of the following in exponential form:

Unit-3 | Worksheet 1 Exponents And Radicals Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics


Unit-3 | Worksheet 1 Exponents And Radicals Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics

2. Express each of the following as radicals:

Unit-3 | Worksheet 1 Exponents And Radicals Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics


Unit-3 | Worksheet 1 Exponents And Radicals Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics

3. Express each of the following with positive indices:

Unit-3 | Worksheet 1 Exponents And Radicals Class-8 DAV Secondary Mathematics

Express each of the following with positive indices:

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