Are you looking for DAV Books Solutions then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of Science class 6 book Chapter 1 Our Environment which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!
DAV Class- 6 Science Our Environment Question and Answer
Something To Know
A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Plastic is non-biodegradable as it cannot be broken down into simpler substances in nature.
2. We must say ‘No’ to plastic and use paper or clothes.
3. The flowers of the ipomoea bloom with sunrise and close after sunset.
4. Polar bears and penguins are among the animals found only in cold regions.
5. Respiration and photosynthesis processes help in balancing of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere.
B. Write True or False for the following statements.
1. Herbivores can prepare their own food.
Answer 1: False
2. Fungi and bacteria are organisms that can be easily seen by the human eye, by itself.
Answer 2: False
3. The sunflower faces the east in the morning.
Answer 3: True
4. Camels do not have sweat glands.
Answer 4: True
5. Soil is an important biotic component of our environment.
Answer 5: False
C. Tick the correct option.
1. Biotic environment includes—
(a) only the producers and the consumers
(b) only the consumers and decomposers
(c) only the decomposers and the producers
(d) producers, consumers as well as decomposers
Answer 1: (d) producers, consumers as well as decomposers
2. The group of organisms, which use light for making food, are called—
(a) autotrophs
(b) heterotrophs
(c) decomposers
(d) scavengers
Answer 2: (a) autotrophs
3. Decomposers include-
(a) bacteria only
(b) fungi only
(c) bacteria as well as fungi
(d) only the scavengers
Answer 3: (c) bacteria as well as fungi
4. Which of the following is not biodegradable?
(a) vegetables (b) fruits (c) earthworm (d) aluminium foil
Answer 4: (d) aluminium foil
5. Vermicomposting is done by—
(a) fungus (b) bacteria (c) worms (d) aquatic animals
Answer 5: (c) worms
6. An animal, that is not affected much by the heat of the desert, is the—
(a) rat (b) camel (c) cow (d) lion
Answer 6: (b) camel
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Why should we segregate different types of wastes?
Answer: Segregation of waste is important for properly disposing of the vast amount of garbage, We segregate different types of wastes because of their disposal in an eco-friendly way in our environment.
2. Write the meaning of the term ‘vermicomposting‘.
Answer: Vermicomposting is the process of preparing compost from kitchen garbage using redworms and other various worms.
3. Which component of air gets ‘used-up’ during the process of photosynthesis?
Answer: Carbon dioxide is used up during the process of photosynthesis.
4. Suggest any five activities that can help to save the environment.
Answer 4: Five activities that can help to save the environment are
(1) Do not use plastic
(2) Use kitchen wastes to make compost
(3) Use Cleaner fuel
(4) Segregate wastes for disposal in eco-friendly ways
(5) Afforestation
5. How does nature maintain a balance, between the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide, in the atmosphere?
Answer 5: The balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen, in the atmosphere, is maintained through the processes of respiration, burning and photosynthesis.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Distinguish between
(a) autotrophs and heterotrophs
(b) decomposers and scavengers
Answer 1.a: Autotrophs
(1) The green plants, which prepare their own food (glucose), are called producers or autotrophs.
(2) auto means self and troph means food.
(3) Example: Plants
(1) They have to depend on plants for their food. They are called consumers or heterotrophs.
(2) hetero means other and troph means food.
(3) Example: Animals
Answer 1.b:
(1) Organisms that derive their food from dead and decaying plants and animals. They are called decomposers.
(2) Example: Fungi and bacteria.
(1) They consume dead bodies of animals. They are called Scavengers.
(2) Example: Crows, Jackals, Kites.
2. State the difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable materials. Give one example of each.
Answer 2:
Biodegradable materials are those that can be broken down by microorganisms into simpler substances.
Example: Paper and cloth
Non-biodegradable materials are those that are incapable of being broken down into simpler substances by microorganisms.
Example: Plastic.
3. How does decomposition of dead animals turn out to be useful?
Answer 3: The decomposition of the dead animals resulted in the formation of minerals. These minerals mix with the soil and are then used by plants to help them grow.
4. Why is Rain water harvesting a ‘ray of hope for overcoming the present ‘scarcity of water’ in cities?
Answer 4: Rainwater harvesting is a ray of hope in overcoming the present scarcity of water in cities as the rainwater collected can be put to many uses. It fulfils the need for water for household uses. During summer times there are some cities where the water table level is very less or in a drought where we need water. Thus, rainwater harvesting is a must in cities to save water.
5. Why do buffaloes cool themselves in water during summer?
Answer: Buffaloes have black coloured skin which is a good absorbent of sunlight and they have no sweat glands. So, they feel hot. To get themselves cooler, they get into the water.
6. Draw a diagram that shows the relationship between the biotic and the abiotic components of the environment.
Answer 6:

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