Comparisons and Difference between Artery and Vein

Direction of Flow. It carries blood from heart to an organ.It brings blood from an organ towards the heart.
Speed. Blood flow is rapid in artery.Blood flow is slow in vein.
Jerks. Blood flows with jerks.Blood flows smoothly.
Pressure. Blood flows under pressureThere is little pressure.
Internal Valves. They are absent.Internal valves are present to prevent back flow
Wall. It is thick and elastic.It is comparatively thinner and little elastic
Lumen. Narrow.Wide
Type of Blood. Artery carries oxygenated blood except pulmonary arteries.Vein carries deoxygenated blood except pulmonary veins
Occurrence. It is deep seated.It is superficial
Collapsibility. Artery is not collapsible.Vein is collapsible.
Blood After Death. It does not contain blood after death.Vein is full of blood even after death.

Comparisons and Differences between Blood and Lymph

Colour. Blood is reddish in colour.Lymph is pale yellow in colour.
RBCs. It contains RBCs.RBCs are absent.
Blood Platelets. They are present.Blood platelets are absent.
Leucocytes. Leucocyte count is 5000-8000 per ml.Leucocytes count is low, 500 per ml mostly due to lymphocytes.
Flow. Blood flows rapidly.Flow of lymph is slow.
Direction. Blood flow is bidirectional, from heart to organs and organs to heart.Lymph flow is unidirectional, from tissues to the subclavian veins.

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