DAV CLASS 4 My Body Science Solutions

Are you looking for DAV Books Solutions then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of Science class 4 book Chapter 1 My Body which is followed in all DAV School. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!! All the Best !!

DAV CLASS 4 My Body Science Question and Answer

A. Fill in the blanks.

  1. The body organs that cannot be seen from outside are called internal organs.
  2. Flat teeth are in the front of the mouth.
  3. Tongue is used for tasting and speaking
  4. Saliva is secreted by salivary gland
  5. Flies can transfer germs to uncovered food.

B. Match the following:


Milk teeth——-Twenty

Large intestine—-Absorption of water

permanent teeth—–thirty two

Rectum—— Undigested waste is collected

Small intestine—-absorption of digested food

C. Tick (✓) the correct option.

The teeth, used to tear food into pieces, are known as—(a) incisors (b) canines (c) molars (d) premolars

Answer: canines

Ria’s mother is thirty-two years old. She is likely to have—(a) 20 Permanent Teeth (b) 20 temporary teeth (c) 32 permanent teeth (d) 32 temporary teeth.

Answer: 32 permanent teeth

The organ, which secretes digestive juices in the small intestine, is the—(a) liver (b) salivary glands (c) stomach (d) food pipe

Answer: Liver

The food gets completely digested in the-(a) mouth (b) stomach (c) small (d) large intestine

Answer: Small Intestine
An eight-year-old child is likely to have—(a) only temporary teeth (b) only permanent teeth (c) both temporary and permanent teeth (d) no teeth at all

Answer: both temporary and permanent teeth

D. Answer the following questions in brief.

1. Name the organ through which food enters the stomach.

Answer: Food Pipe(Oesophagus)

2. How many sets of teeth are formed during one’s life time? Name them.

Answer: Two Sets of teeth are formed during lifetime a) Milk Teeth b) Permanent Teeth

3. Write any one difference between milk teeth and permanent teeth.

Answer : Milk teeth are 20 in number while permanent teeth are 32 in number.

4. What do you mean by the term ‘digestion’?

Answer; Digestion is the process of breaking down of food into simpler absorbable forms.

5. What happens to the food when it enters the stomach?
Answer: When the food enters the body it mixes with digestive juices secreted by the walls of the stomach and gets partially digested.

E. Answer the following questions.

1. List five good habits that should be taken care of at the time of eating food.

2. Name the different types of teeth present in the mouth. Also mention their functions.

3. Why is it important to chew the food properly?

4. Why is washing of fruits and vegetables important for us?

5. Sheena’s mother often tells her not to eat too many sweets and chocolates. Why do you think she says so?

6. Complete the given foodpath:

Rest answers will be updated Stay tuned!!

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