DAV class 4 Science Chapter 8 Solutions

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 6 Insects Solutions contain enough material to allow students to establish a solid foundation with the fundamentals of the DAV Class 4 Science Textbook. DAV Class 4 science students who practice Dav Class 4 Science Solutions Question Answer on a regular basis are more likely to do well in their school exams.

DAV CLASS 4 Science Chapter 8 Water Scarcity and Conservation of Water Question and Answer

A. Fill in the blanks.

A. Fill In the blanks.

1.The earth is known as a planet.

2 and are two major natural sources of water.

3. Setting-up of factories cause a in the level of underground water.

4. Cutting of trees in the forests causes a in rainfall.

5. Use of water sprinkler for irrigation reduces of water.

B. Match the following.

1.cutting of trees in the forests 2. collecting rain water for day-to-day use. 3. proper utilisation of water and avoiding its wastage 4. a method of preserving large quantity of water and checking floods

C. Tick (✅) the correct option.

1.Two major natural sources of water (a) rain and wells (b) snow and rivers (c) rain and snow (d) groundwater and rivers

2. Planting of more trees will help in—(a) reducing the ground water level (b) setting-up more factories (c) deforestation (d) increasing the rainfall

3. We can avoid wastage of water by—(a) using water sprinkler for irrigation (b) over-irrigation of fields (c) washing our car with a jet of water (d) allowing water to leak from taps

D. Answer the following questions in brief.

1. How much of the surface of earth is covered by water?

2. Name three sources of fresh water.

3. State the effect of deforestation on rainfall.

4. State two reasons that are leading to clearing of forests.

5. State one utility of dams.

E. Answer the following questions.

1. State three factors that are responsible for water scarcity.

2. How does setting-up of factories affect the ground water level?

3. State two ways to do rain-water harvesting.

4. How should the fields be irrigated to reduce wastage of water?

5. State any three ways of conserving water at home

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