DAV CLASS 8 Social Science Solutions: Students who are looking for DAV Social Science Books Solutions then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of Social Science class 8 book chapter 14 The Nationalist Movement (1870 to 1947) in all DAV Schools. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!!

DAV CLASS 8 | The Nationalist Movement (1870 to 1947) Science Question and Answers
Something to Know
A. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. Montague Chemsford reforms introduced-
Ans. (a) the system of Dual government.
2. Gandhiji started the historic Dandi March from Sabarmati Ashram to Dandi on-
Ans. (a) March 12, 1930
3. What was the British motive behind the partition of Bengal in July, 1905?
Ans. (c) The Britishers wanted to weaken the Hindi-Muslim unity.
4. Who amongst the following was not a moderate?
Ans. (d) Lala Lajpat Rai
5. The slogan “Do or Die” was given during the—
Ans. (b) Quit India Movement
Ans. 1. (a), 2. (a), 3. (c), 4. (d), 5.
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The rule of East India Company ended on November 1, 1858.
2. Indian National Army was organised by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.
3. Early phase of Congress was under moderate leaders.
4. Home Rule League was started by Anne Besant in Madras.
5. Rowlatt Act empowered the British to put people in jail without trial.
C. Match the following.
1. Formation of Indian National Congress ———-> (d) 1885
2. Morley Minto Reforms ———————-> (e) 1909
3. Formation of Muslim League —————-> (a) 1906
4. Montague Chemsford Reforms —————> (c) 1927
5. Simon Commission to India —————–> (b) 1919
Ans. 1.—(d), 2.—(e), 3.—(a), 4.—(c), 5.—(b)
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Mention the main demands of the radical group of the Congress.
Ans. (i) To drive away the Britishers as soon as possible.
(ii) To believe in actions—protests, hartais and slogans.
(iii) To propagate Indian culture and Hinduism.
2. State the major achievement of Lucknow Pact of 1916.
Ans. In 1916, the moderates and Radicals reunited to strengthen the national movement after nine years and the signed the pact with the Muslim League.
3. Describe the contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose in the freedom struggle of India.
Ans. Subhash Chandra Bose was well-known figure during the freedom struggle. He was ready to join hands with enemies of the British to get the British out of India. His popular slogan, You give me blood and I will give you freedom’ enthus people with immense courage and hope. He disappeared from the British detention and went abroad to seek help for the cause of India’s independence. Later on, he organised Indian National Army (INA) to overthrow the British from India.
4. List the main features of the Lahore session of Congress in 1929.
Ans. In December 1929, the Congress session was held on the bank of River Ravi in Lahore, with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru as the President. The historic resolution of Puma Swaraj or Complete Independence was passed. At this session, it was decided to celebrate January 26, 1930, as the First Independence Day of India.
5. Explain any three main provisions of the Government of India Act, 1935.
Ans. The three man provision of the Government of India Act, 1935 are:
• The Head of the Central Administration was the Governor-General. He continued to have the supreme power.
• The Centre continued to control defence, external affairs and railways.
• A Federal Court was established for provinces and Princely States.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Who were the moderates? What were their main demands?
Ans 1. A group of leaders called moderate influenced the Congress in its early phase. The Moderates were against taking extreme actions. They had deep faith in the good intention of the British government. They were of the opinion that slowly and steadily, they would make the British go to their land. The prominent moderate leaders were Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Dadabhai Naoroji, Surendra Nath Banerjee and others.
Their main demands were to:
• have representative institutions in the whole country for the welfare of the people
• create Provincial Legislative Councils in all provinces.
• recruit Indians for higher positions in the administration.
• ensure the growth of Indian industries and handicrafts.
• stop the drain to wealth to Britian.
2. Describe the role played by any two mass movements toward intensifying the struggle for freedom.
Ans 2. (i) Swadeshi Movement: This movement started in 1905 when Bengal was partitioned. Indians boycotted foreign goods and used only Indian goods. Students played an important role in this movement by boycotting classes and picketing shops selling foreign goods. Many women also joined processions and picketing. The movement soon spread from Bengal to Maharashtra and Punjab.
(ii) Civil Disobedience Movement: The British government passed a law, banning the manufacturing of salt by Indians. In 1930, Gandhiji decided to break this law. Mahatma Gandhi and other prominent leaders of the freedom struggle know that by this, the British could sell salt at high rates. It is an essential item of our food. Both the rich and the poor needed it equally. On 6 April 1930, Gandhiji along with his followers marched for over 240 miles from Sabarmati to the coastal town of Dandi. Here, he broke the government law by gathering natural salt found on the seashore. A large number of people including the common mass participated in this historic march. The movement played an important role in achieving the freedom of India.
3. Why did Gandhiji give a call to start Non-Cooperation Movement? Which activities gave momentum to this Movement?
Ans 3. Gandhiji believed that British rule was established and survived in India with the cooperation of Indians. So in 1920, Gandhiji called for Non-Cooperation—not to cooperate with the government. Non-Cooperation was directed against the injustices done by the British in Punjab and Turkey.
It began with—
• renouncing of titles and honours given by the British.
• boycott of legislatures.
• boycott of schools and colleges by students and teachers.
• opening of Jamia Milia at Aligarh and Kashi Vidya Peeth at Benaras.
• boycott of government offices and courts.
• bonfires of foreign goods.
• hartals and strikes all over the country. After 1919, the struggle against British rule took the form of a mass movement that involved peasants, tribals, students, workers, traders, women etc. The unity between Hindus and Muslims strengthened. When the Non-Cooperation movement was launched, people wholeheartedly participated in it.
4. Describe two main features of each of Morley Minto Reforms of 1909 and Government of India Act of 1919 as well as 1935.
Ans 4.
Morley-Minto Reforms/Indian Councils Act (1909) | Montague Chemsford Reform/ government of India Act (1919) | Government of India Act (1935) |
• First true attempt at introducing representative and popular elements in India representative and popular element in India. | • Diarchy-a `dual set of governments’. was introduced at the provincial level. | • The grant of a large measure of autonomy to the provinces of British India and ending the Diarchy system introduced by the Government of India Act, 1919. |
• It introduced changes in the size and functions of the Councils at the Central as well as Provincial levels. | • Finance and police were under the control of the governor and the Indian ministers were given charge of education and health. | • It provided for the introduction of direct elections. |
5. “Quit India Movement was the last blow to the British rule in India.” Give arguments in support of this statement.
Ans 5. (i) Mahatma Gandhi and the people of India wanted the British to leave India without any further delay. He gave a final blow to the Britishers on August 8, 1942, by launching the Quit India movement. It was a Civil Disobedience movement in response to Gandhi’s call for immediate independence.
(ii) He raised the slogan ‘do or die’ which spread among the common masses very soon. The Britishers were infuriated. The police and army waged brutal terror on people.
(iii) Gandhiji and all prominent Congress leaders were sent to jail within 24 hours. But this did not prevent the movement from spreading. It especially attracted peasants and the youth who gave up their studies to join the movement. Communications and symbols of state authority were attacked all over the country. In several areas, people set up their own governments.
(iv) The British tried to repress these developments severely. About 90,000 people were arrested and 1,000 were killed in police firing. But the movement did not go in vain. It brought freedom very close.