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DAV CLASS 5 My English Reader Question and Answer Five Chums and the Hacker
A.4. Given below are eight incidents from the story, but their order is mixed up.Decide on the order in which they
occur in the story and number them accordingly.The Five Chums have a meeting. Mrs Stephanie pretends to leave her flat.The culprit is caught. The Five Chums visit Mrs Stephanie. Nishat informs Bill that Mrs Stephanie has fainted.
Basanti hits upon a plan to trap the hacker. Bill shuts off the computer. The Five Chums make a plan.
1 Nishat informs Bill that Mrs Stephanie has fainted.
2 The Five Chums have a meeting.
3 The Five Chums visit Mrs Stephanie.
4 Basanti hits upon a plan to trap the hacker.
5 The Five Chums make a plan.
6 Mrs Stephanie pretends to leave her flat.
7 Bill shuts off the computer.
8 The culprit is caught.
A.5. Tick () the appropriate answers.
(i) It took Mrs Stephanie’s neighbours a full ten minutes to get her to the ambulance because—
she was plump.
she was muttering under her breath.
she screamed when others tried to take her to the ambulance.
(ii) The reason for Mrs Stephanie’s worry was that she—
had lost her dear friend.
had lost all her savings.
was afraid someone would kill her.
(iii) Mrs Stephanie asked her son to send her some money. She did so by—
writing a letter to him.
sending him an e-mail.
telephoning him.
(iv) The hacker even knew what Mrs Stephanie was thinking. This was because she was always muttering and—
the hacker was outside her door to listen.
the hacker had placed a transmitter in her flat.
the virus activated the microphone that picked up whatever she muttered.
Ans. (i) she was plump
(ii) was afraid someone would kill her
(iii) sending him an e-mail
(iv) the virus activated the microphone that picked up whatever she muttered.
A.6. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.
(i) ‘Aunt Stephanie has just fainted in MrSubramanium’s flat.’
(a) Who speaks these words and to whom?
Ans. Nishat speaks these words to Bill.
(b) What has made Aunt Stephanie faint?
Ans. She was afraid someone would kill her.
(c) What does Mr Subramanium do afterAunt Stephanie faints?
Ans. He rings up two dozen ambulances.
(ii) ‘You are even younger than mygrandson.’
(a) Who is the speaker of this line?
Ans. Aunt Stephanie is the speaker of this line.
(b) What is the speaker’s reaction towardsthe person spoken to?
Ans. She turned soft and forgives the hacker.
(c) What has just happened?
Ans. The hacker confesses his guilt.
A.7. Answer the following questions.
(i) Name the Five Chums
.Ans. Bill, Nishat, Basanti, Noddy and Arya.
(ii) How did the Five Chums know thatthe threats to Mrs Stephanie came byphone?
Ans. Mrs. Stephanie didn’t go out. Nor did she have any visitors. Suddenly, she rushed to the opposite flat, and fainted. The five chums were sure that someone had threatened her over the phone.
(iii) What happened after Mrs Stephanie asked her son to send her money?
Ans. After Mrs. Stephanie asked her son to send her money, the call came. The caller asked her that he knew what she was going to do with all that money.
(iv) What plan did Basanti make to trap the hacker?
Ans. Basanti hit upon a plan to trap the hacker. The five chums sat around the computer with the scripts in their hands. Arya was told to play the role of a salesman from a bank who would come to Mrs. Stephanie to deliver the money she had asked her son to sent her. Mrs Stephanie would tell Arya in loud voice to leave the money on the table.
Arya would do so and Noddy would open and close the door loudly. Mrs Stephanie would mutter that she was late for church and she would just shut the door tight because she had no time to make a search for the keys. Noddy would again open and close the door. After a few minutes, Bill would switch off the computer. The hacker, after hearing the fake conversation, would come to take the money and would be caught easily.
(v) Next morning the Five Chums and Stephanie had scripts in their hands—
(a) What are these scripts?
(b) Why are they being read?
Ans. (a) These scripts are— ‘From the bank, Ma’am,’ said Arya in salesman a like voice, ‘You called up for money at your doorstep service?’ ‘Oh, yes, thanks,’ said Aunt Stephanie. ‘Just leave it there on the table, will you?’
‘Yes, Ma’am,’ said Arya. Aunty now muttered under her breath,
‘Now, now, let me see……………oh! I’m
late for church. Where ar the keys?
Never mind, I’ll just shut the door tight.’
(b) The scripts are being read so that the hacker hears everything and comes to Mrs Stephanie’s flat to take the money.
While he does so, the five chums would catch him.
(vi) Who is the hacker and what does Stephanie say to him?
Ans. The hacker is a young boy, a little older than Arya. Mrs Stephanie tells him that he is even younger than her grandson. Then why he wants to kill her. She addresses him as her child and tells him that she does not know who he is but she forgives him. She prays that God guides him and stops him from being bad.
A.8. Value Based Question
What do you think the term ‘Net Ethics/Net Etiquettes’ mean? Find out more about some basic Net Etiquettes and discuss in class their necessity and importance.
Ans. Net Ethics or Net Etiquettes means not to harm anyone else or the system by misusing the net. Today there are a lot of ways of expressing oneself. It is called social networking. Facebook, Twitter, Blog, etc. are some of the systems. One can spread any message to a large mass of people in no time. Just a click on the computer, laptop, the smartphone can create a revolution. This message can be positive or negative. Net ethics allows us and prompts us not to create a negative environment. We have seen a number of cases recently which have created mass appeal in a positive way and we have also a number of examples that have harmed society in a dangerous way.
A.9. Read the following sentence.
Aunt Stephanie was heaving and thrashing about.
They can carry more meaning than a group of weaker words. For example,
• ‘heaving’ has been used intead of ‘uttering with effort’.
• ‘thrashing’ has been used instead of ‘moving limbs violently’.
Now pick a strong word from the box to replace the bold words in each
sentences given below. faded traced fumbled muttering stared
(i) The police found out by investigation the thief’s hide-out. ………………..
(ii) The children looked fixedly in surprise at the stranger. ………………..
(iii) The frightened girl nervously and clumsily searched for the money.
(iv) The sound of the bells died gradually.
(v) Old people often keep speaking in a
manner that cannot be heard clearly.
Ans. (i) traced (ii) stared (iii) Fumbled (iv) Faded (v) Muttering
A.10. Life Skills
(i) Get into groups of six and discuss— did Aunt Stephanie do the right thing by forgiving the boy? Had you been in her place, what decision would you have made? While forming your opinion, keep in mind that—
• the hacker was just a young boy.
• he had committed a crime.
• he had upset Mrs Stephanie so much
that she had even fainted once.
he seemed to be apologetic of his
• if given a second chance, the hacker
could improve.
One person from your group must act as Mrs Stephanie. Others should take the roles of the Five Chums. Basanti should note down the points as others discuss and report the final views to the whole class. While reporting, you
must give reasons for your decision.
Ans. Had I been in Mrs Stephanie’s place, I too would have made the same decision. I too would have forgiven the boy.
(ii) Which of the following qualities do you think helped the Five Chums in solving the mystery of the hacker? presence of mind, observation skills, logical reasoning. Discuss how important it is for us to
develop these skills.
Ans. All the above qualities helped the five chums in solving the mystery of the hacker.
A.11. Read the sentence taken from the story in A.3 and note the phrase in bold.
‘Perhaps someone is reading your mail,’ Noddy put in.
Now using phrases beginning with ‘put’, fill in the blanks given below.
Pick the phrases from the box given below.
put off put across put on
put away put together put out
(i) The librarian ordered the students to ……………….. the books they had taken.
(ii) The fire brigade ……………….the fire.
(iii) She …………….. her best dress.
(iv) She ………… her ideas very clearly.
(v) The reading quiz has been ………….. .
(vi) The children …………………. the pieces of the puzzle.
Ans. (i) put away (ii) put out (iii) put on (iv)
put together (v) put off (vi) put across.
A.12. Imagine you are Mrs Stephanie. Your
son David, who was informed about
your ill-health and mental state, is
extremely worried. He sends you the
following e-mail.

A.13. Imagine you are Mrs Stephanie. By the time you receive the e-mail given in A.12, the Five Chums have traced the hacker. Write an e-mail to your son, David, to tell him about the hacker.
From—[email protected]
To—[email protected]
Subject—want to tell you about the hacker
Attach files
Dear David
The hacker has been traced. He is even younger than your son. He was sweating out of fear. He hung his head. With a trembling voice, he confessed his guilt. When I asked him why he wanted to kill me, he assured to me that he never intended to so. He had hacked my account, for sheer fun. He told me that he had never thought that his prank
would harm someone that much. He begged for pardon which I granted. After all he is just a young boy and should be given a chance to improve his ways.
With love
Your Mom
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Five Chums and the Hacker- Class 5 DAV My English Reader Solutions
Rest Answers Will be updated Soon.Stay Tuned
read part iv of the chapter five chums and the hacker and write the scripts written to catch the hacker
Thanku for this