Comparisons and Difference between RBC and WBC

Here we have Compared difference between RBC and WBC

Number. The number is 4.5-5.0 million/ml of blood.The number is 5000-8000/ml of blood.
Types. All the RBCs are of one type.WBCs are of five types.
Size. The size is about 7 um.The size is 8-15 um.
Form. RBCs are biconcave and circular.They are rounded to irregular in shape.
Nucleus. A nucleus is absent, i.e., RBCs are enucleate.WBCs are nucleated.
Cell Organelles. Most of the cell organelles degenerate during development.They retain all the cell organelles.
Haemoglobin. It is present.It is absent.
Function. They take part in transportation of most of oxygen and smaller quantities of carbon dioxide.They take part in phagocytosis of germs, dead cells and formation of antibodies.

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