DAV class 4 Science Chapter 6 Solutions

DAV Class 4 Science Chapter 6 Insects Solutions contain enough material to allow students to establish a solid foundation with the fundamentals of the DAV Class 4 Science Textbook. DAV Class 4 science students who practice Dav Class 4 Science Solutions Question Answer on a regular basis are more likely to do well in their school exams.

DAV CLASS 4 Science Chapter 6 Insects Question and Answer

A. Fill in the blanks.

  1. Butterflies are attracted to flowers.

2. Honeybees suck from flowers.

3. The six-sided chambers of beehives are called

4. Malaria is spread by the bite of females

5. The cover, weaved by a silk moth, around itself is called a

6. Bees are stinging insects.

B. Write True and False for the following statements.

  1. Insects help in pollination.

2. Lac insects grow on banyan trees.

3. Houseflies spread malaria.

4. Aedes mosquito spreads dengue.

5. Bubonic plague is caused by a mosquito.

C. Tick (✅) the correct option.

1. The insect, that usually spreads jaundice, is the—(a) mosquito (b) wasp (c) housefly (d) butterfly

2. Honeybees make honey from—(a) lac (b) nectar (c) milk (d) sugar

3. The sting of insects, like the bees and wasps, is located on their—(a) wing (b) back (c) mouth (d) leg

4. An insect, that helps to save our crops from pests, is the—(a) wasp (b) ladybird beetle (c) bee (d) butterfly

D. Answer the following questions in brief.

1. What is pollination?

2. Where do bees store the nectar?

3. Name the insect that gives us silk. What does it feed on?

4. Name the diseases that get spread by houseflies.

E. Answer the following questions.

1.How does a silk moth weave a cocoon?

2. How is honey collected from a beehive?

3. What is lac? State its four uses.

4. How do houseflies spread diseases?

5. How can we save ourselves from harmful insects?

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