DAV CLASS 8 Social Science Solutions: Students who are looking for DAV Social Science Books Solutions then you are in right place, we have discussed the solution of Social Science class 8 book chapter 18 The Union Government: The Legislature. Solutions are given below with proper Explanation please bookmark our website for further updates!!

DAV CLASS 8 The Union Government: The Legislature Social Science Question and Answers
Something to Know
A. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. Which one of the following subjects comes under the Union List?
Ans 1. (a) foreign affairs
2. Which one of the following statements about Lok Sabha is correct?
Ans 2. (d) Money bills can only be introduced in Lok Sabha.
3. Which one of the following statements about the Indian Parliament is true?
Ans 3. (a) It is the highest law-making body of India.
4. Each member of Rajya Sabha has a term of—
Ans 4. (c) six years
5. During Lok Sabha elections, reserved constituencies are meant for—
Ans 5. (d) scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
Ans. 1. (a), 2. (d), 3. (a), 4. (c), 5. (d)
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. The topmost level of government in India is Union Government.
2. In case of a disagreement over a law made on the same subject from the Concurrent List, the law made by Centre prevails over the law made by State.
3. The Principle of Universal adult franchise gives all adult citizens the right to vote.
4. The President of India is an integral part of the Parliament.
5. Lok Sabha represents the people of India and Rajya Sabha represents the states of India.
C. Write True or False for the following statements.
Questions | Answer (True/False) |
1. A Governor is Head of the State, whereas a Chief Minister is the Head of the State Government. | True |
2. The women are adequately represented in the Indian Parliament. | False |
3. No bill can become a law without the approval of the President of India. | True |
4. The Chairman of Rajya Sabha cannot vote on any issue in Rajya Sabha. | True |
5. The Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha enjoy equal power regarding the amendment of the Constitution. | True |
Ans. 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. True
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
1. Why did India opt for a federal form of government? Explain.
Ans 1. In a vast country like India with diverse languages, religions, customs, traditions, lifestyles, climatic conditions and geographical features, it becomes difficult to have a single unified administrative set-up. Therefore, we opted for a federal form of government.
2. How have the Legislative powers been divided between the Union Government and the State Government?
Ans 2. The Legislative powers have been divided between the Union Government and the State Government into three lists—
(1) Union List (2) State List (3) Concurrent List.
3. Describe the composition of the Union Government in India.
Ans 3. The Union Government comprises of (1) The Legislature or Parliament comprised of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. (2) The Executive: the President of India, the Prime Minister and the Union Council of Ministers. (3) The Judiciary: The Supreme Court of India consisting of the Chief Justice of India and 25 sitting Judges (maximum number can be 31).
4. Highlight any three dissimilarities between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha with respect to their composition.
Ans 4.
Lok Sabha | Rajya Sabha |
(i) The members are directly elected by the people. | (i) The members are elected by the elected member of State Legislatives. |
(ii) The maximum strength shall not exceed 550. | (ii) The maximum strength in 250. |
(iii) The normal tenure is 5 years. | (iii) The Rajya Sabha is a permanent house which can never be dissolved. |
5. Mention any three advantages of Universal Adult Franchise.
Ans 5. Three advantages of Universal Adult Franchise:
(i) This right gives the people an opportunity to actively participate in the political process of the country.
(ii) They elect their representatives who constitute the Parliament that controls and guides the Union Government.
(iii) People express their trust in the functioning of our democratic set-up.
E. Answer the following questions.
1. Describe any five major functions of the Indian Parliament.
Ans 1. The Indian Parliament performs various functions:
(i) It is the highest law-making body. It makes laws on all the subjects enlisted in the Union List, the Concurrent List and the Residuary Subjects.
(ii) It exercises control over the executive and keeps a check on the ministers and their work. The members of the Parliament have the right to question the ministers about the working of their ministries. If it is not satisfied with the functioning of the ministers, the Lok Sabha can pass a vote of no-confidence.
(iii) The Parliament passes the annual budget of the central government every year. The government cannot impose any tax or incur any expenditure if the proposals are not approved by the Parliament.
(iv) The Parliament is empowered to remove the President, the Judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts through the process of impeachment.
(v) The members of the Parliament exercise their right to vote to elect the President and the Vice President of India.
2. Compare the legislative and financial powers of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. On the basis of your comparison, which one of the two Houses is more powerful and how?
Ans 2. An ordinary bill can be introduced in either House of the Parliament. But a money bill can be introduced only in the Lok Sabha. Approval of both Houses in necessary for passing a Bill. In case of disagreement (only in case of ordinary bills) a majority vote in taken in a joint meeting of both Houses. There is no provision to hold a joint sitting in case of money bills or amendment bills.
Ragarding money matters, the Lok Sabha is more powerful than the Rajya Sabha. Money bills can be introduced only in the Lok Sabha. If the Rajya Sabha makes any recommendation regarding a money bill, the Lok Sabha may or may not accept it. Hence, the Lok Sabha is a more powerful House.
3. How is the Speaker of Lok Sabha elected? Mention her/his powers and functions.
Ans 3. The Speaker of Lok Sabha is elected by the members from amongst themselves. There is a tradition that the Speaker is elected from the majority party and the Deputy Speaker from the opposition party.
Powers and functions of the Speaker are as follows:
(i) The Speaker presides over the meetings of the Lok Sabha. In her/ his absence, the House is chaired by the Deputy Speaker.
(ii) The Speaker maintains discipline and decorum of the House. If the situation demands, the Speaker can adjourn the House.
(iii) All the petitions and documents addressed to the House are received by the Speaker.
(iv) It is the Lok Sabha Speaker who presides over the joint sitting of both the Houses of the Parliament.
4. Explain the composition of Rajya Sabha. Who can be elected as a member and for how long? Why is Rajya Sabha called a Permanent House?
Ans 4. (i) The maximum strength of the Rajya Sabha is 250. Out of these, 12 members are nominated by the President of India and the remaining 238 are elected from the States and Union Territories by the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies. The 12 nominated members are distinguished personalities who excel in various fields of art, literature, science, social service, sports, etc.
(ii) Members of the Rajya Sabha should be citizens of India and not less than 30 years on age. His/Her name must be in the voters’ list.
(iii) The Rajya Sabha is a permanent House which can never be dissolved. After every two years, one-third of its members retire and elections are held to fill these seats. Each member of the Rajya Sabha completes a term of six years.
(iv) The Vice President of India is the Presiding Officer of the Rajya Sabha.
(v) The Vice President presides over the meetings of the Rajya Sabha, conducts its proceedings and maintains the discipline and decorum of the House. In his absence, the Deputy Chairman performs his duties.
5. Describe the procedure followed by the Union Parliament in passing an ordinary bill.
Ans 5. The making of a law is initiated by introducing a legislative proposal for the ordinary bill in either of the two Houses of the Parliament. It goes through three readings in each House. Approval of both the Houses is necessary for passing a bill.
For example, in the first reading, the member introducing the bill takes the permission of the House to introduce the bill and explain the purpose of the bill. In the second reading, a general discussion is held, followed by a detailed discussion, step by step. In the third reading, the bill as a whole is put to vote. If passed by a majority, it is sent to the other House. There, the House adopts the same procedure. When both Houses pass the bill, it is sent to the President for his assent. In case of disagreement between the two Houses, a majority vote is taken in the joint meeting of both the Houses.